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Don’t just take our word for it

Hear first-hand from our people about what makes working for ISS as an engineer special.


It’s the variety of work that makes ISS different, many other FM providers use mobile engineering task forces, but few have the diversity of clients that ISS have.

Within ISS every day is a different challenge with different clients which offers a great sense of job security.

Daniel portrait
Daniel stood next to a van

ISS has given me the support framework to grow my confidence and skillset, challenge myself and be agile in my career progression. I have been mentored by some great people in ISS and this continues to be the case.

alex mcgregor finale
alex mobely

If asked to describe my apprenticeship journey with ISS in 5 words, I would say engaging, exciting, interesting, practical and fulfilling. For anyone considering applying for an engineering apprenticeship with ISS, I would say go for it!


I always had a passion for engineering but I was unsure how to upskill myself to move into that field. When a management role came up via our Gender balance ERG I felt empowered to go for it and I’m so glad I did!

If you are a woman thinking about entering the technical field I would say go for it, ISS will support you every step of the way!


ISS have been incredibly supportive of me and my managers both past and present saw something in me and gave me opportunities, offered training to improve my skill and made me more employable, they constantly gave me different challenges to broaden my skills and experience.

After recently completing my Air conditioning diploma, I am now also involved as an Air conditioning engineer.

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